Monday, August 01, 2005

Why a Blog?

Someone asked me today why I started this blog? I've been thinking about it all day.

I had my third piano lesson today. During the lesson I started thinking about the movie, The Hands Of Orlac (1961) and the disembodied hands that played the piano. At least that's what I remember. Maybe that's why I never played piano as a kid. I was afraid of the hands!
The piano in my living room today is the same piano that was in my house as a kid. I found old sheet music and drawings in the bench I made when I was a kid. (How strange that this museum is devoted to my past!)

I hear Heathrow is a big airport and I'm wondering if we'll make our connection? RUN! Maybe it’s not a good time to run at Heathrow?

Today, Bush does an end-around on the Congress and installs HIS man at the UN. What's the problem, it’s all perfectly legal isn't it? What was this provision in the constitution put in for? To protect who? This administration is about as subtle as a Paris Hilton video. Funny how ideas from the play, Free Henry Goodbar, Telepath, ring so true today. Nixon watches over the White House and smiles.

People have been asking me all day if I am excited? I've been thinking about it all day. If you know me, you know I am excited.

I put up a website today in honor of my friend, and mentor, Mickey Henningsen. Mickey ran Teen Footlighters in Chicago for almost thirty years. For four of those years, from 1973 - 1977, Footlighters, a community theatre for teens, WAS my life. It was more important than school. Judging by my grades, that was obvious. Theatre, and the lessons I learned there, shaped me more than any other influence on me. Now, almost thirty years later, I am still friends with Mick (The Dragon). I have a picture that I think captures Mick's personality perfectly. Visit Teen Footlighters

So why am I writing this blog? Why do I do anything I do? Because I want to. Because it's challenging. Because I want to learn something. Because I want to communicate. Because I want to entertain. Because I'm ready to be seen. Because once it's written, once I hit the publish button, once its up on the web - I never have to think about it again. I don't ever have to carry it again. I'm done with all those books in boxes in the basement.

How can I be excited when there is so much work to do before I leave? Our movie, Cup Of My Blood has it's theatrical debut August 19th at the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago, and comes out on DVD nationwide August 30. It's so exciting, but there is so much to do! I can't wait to get on the plane. Then I'm just an actor, and I'm only responsible for me, myself and I. How nice.

Two more nights and we'll be on the plane. Let the party begin! © 2005 Noel Olken