Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The show must go on!

It has been a whirl wind three days. The fest is just smashing and our opening yesterday went great. We had an audience - who would have thunk it? We had a reviewer show up and so we are hoping a good review tomorrow will bring in even more of an audience.
How ever we have had a natural disaster of sorts that has just been very difficult for all of us to deal with, especially James Moeller, our playwrite, actor, friend, and co-director of the company. His father, James Moeller, Sr. died last Friday. James and Carla were in Ireland when he got the call, and traveled here on Saturday for our first rehearsal. James told us what happened, and that he didn't know what he was going to do. Go home or stay till the end of the run.

After opening night, and after all of us having a few days to digest all this and think about it, James told us he had to go to his father's memorial in Chicago on Thursday. So he and Carla are leaving Edinburgh on Wednesday.

I thought about it and proposed to everyone that we continue the show, that we do it for James and his father and for us too. We find two actors to read the script on stage. We offer the show for free and tell anyone who shows up what they are about to see and why. It's real, baby. It's something we had to deal with. No one wanted to, but that is how you are tested in life, when you least expect it.

Turns out that we had a way to do it already. Pat's wife, Robin, who has seen the show at least ten times, will read Carla's part. And Pat, who plays Jonny Pilgrim, and never has a scene with Henry Goodbar, will changes hats and read James' part.
Tonight is Tuesday, and we are all doing the second show together for the last time in this venue In Edinburgh 2005. I know it will be kick-ass! But I have a feeling this will not be the end of Henry Goodbar Telepath.

We wish James all the love and courage in the world at this difficult time, but he his so glad to know that the show will go on. It always does, doesn't it.

Robin, break a leg!

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