Sunday, January 06, 2008

Hurry up and be successful!

Letter to myself on this Sunday in January, 2008:

Dear Noel,

How are you? How was work last night as a waiter? It sucked didn't it? Yeah, I feel ya. So if you hate it so much, why don't you do something about it? Stop talking and start walking, no running, towards the life you want.

Why don't you get off you arse and change your life? Concentrate all your powers and laser beam the forces of life and creative energy to where you want them. Send out lightening bolts of intention to the places they need to go most.

You know what you want and what you have to do. See it happening and let the seeing guide you to the making it happen.

The car is an amazing machine. Almost effortlessly you turn a small key, you push a pedal with your foot, and turn a wheel with one hand, and you can travel thousands of miles. That is your life. Now imagine the car won't start, the key won't turn, nothing happens when you push the pedal. It's not running, and you have to push the car to a repair shop. How's that going for you? Pushing the car up hill? Not very easy, is it? So stop being in effort and just turn the key and point all your intentions in the right direction.

Or, just sit back and pretend it will go on its own and go to work as a waiter and be in pain.

What do you want to do, let things get so bad that you can't see the future? Or change things now so you can say you almost let things go too far but at the last minute found the courage to have the success you deserve? Which one sounds better on Entertainment Tonight? The loser story or the winner story? I think you know. I know you can do it.

Hey, I don't care about writer strikes and bad economic times, successful people will always have success no matter what is going on. That is what you have to be now. A successful person in successful times.

I'm only writing this to you because I know what you are going through. I know things look bleak sometimes, and I know you like that, being on the dark side. But now it's time to see the light.

This little pep talk sounds kind of like Kris doesn't it? She is the positive light in your life, isn't she? Well, she's there for you and really wants you to succeed too! So do it for you!

Print this out and keep it in your wallet so you don't forget it. I know you can do it.

Let me know how this goes for you. Write soon,



Kris Cahill said...

This is great, I love it! Hooray!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad I found this blog! I can totally feel your crazy, fun energy. Awesome letter... are you going to listen? write back? stuff it in a drawer?

Do it!