Friday, September 02, 2005

Just like Catch - 22

The scene down in New Orleans reminds me of something out of Catch 22. Milo Minderbinder (played by George W. Bush in the TV series) sells the country on a tax break and a war, promising that it will make us safer. With his trusty side kick, the head of Homeland IN-Security, they fly about the country spreading the good news! Oh the hi-jinks they get into.

When a little storm hits a small Southern and mostly black part of the country, and people need help, safety, and the security George promised them, they reach out to George. He's not there. No one is there to hear them. (They must be on vacation.) But then, finally, emergency kits are provided. Help trickles in. They open the emergency kits - but they're empty except for a small piece of paper. The paper says, " Good people of America, all our resources have gone into saving the good people of Iraq. Doesn't that feel good? We all win by building a stronger, Democratic Iraq. You have a share. George".

Oh George, you joker!

How's your vacation been this summer?

Mines been pretty good. But we've had a drought up here.

Can you help us?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.