Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The DVD is on the shelves

Okay, enough of all this tragedy, I got something really important to talk to you about.
Yeah, that's right, after almost two years of work, I got a movie on the shelves of video stores across the country.
Well, not in certain Parishes in the south, but hey, when they get their DVD players hooked up and running again, I'll send them some copies to take their minds off the fact they just lost everything they ever had.

But the rest of you people out there can buy or rent it. Cup Of My Blood! Check it out!

That's me in my local Blockbuster on opening day checking it out in the store!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI THIS is your former rogers and mather classmate the former karen rosenberg.yes your button supplier and i saw you at the reunion and we spke and we spoke to that old #$%&^&&& robert levin who dosent seem to be such a $%%^& anymore but his wife still is! anyway i rented and saw your movie yesterday recognized your name and went online to make sure it was you! it was ! well of course it was it all fits.besides you look just like at the the best of luck to you thats fantastic.i enjoyed the film.keep up the great work and see you at the next reunion.