Wednesday, September 14, 2005

2 True Stories

These are good. The first one comes from my friend Lance M, who plays Alex in our film, Cup Of My Blood. He told me he got a call from a friend of his serving in the National Guard in Iraq. He called from Iraq to tell him he and his buddies had just watched a bootleg copy of Cup Of My Blood. The video isn't even out a week yet and pirated copies are in Iraq. The good thing is, and I think its cool, just like Disney and Universal, we are being affected by global pirating. We've made it to the big time! The even better thing, the service men & women liked the movie. Hey what's not to like?

Story # 2 - So I go into my local Blockbuster Sunday to see if any of the DVD's are rented and how many are still on the shelf. I turn the corner and look at the shelf where they are, just as a woman is picking one up. She reads the front, she turns it over, she reads the back. I'm just watching, wondering what she'll do. I don't say anything. She turns it over again, she's thinking. She keeps it and walks away. I actually walked in at the precise moment to see someone rent our film. That was so cool. 2 of the 4 DVD's at that store were out.

Peace, y'all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!