Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Do you think you're free?

Happy July 4th, 2007. Independence Day! Home of the free and land of the brave. A lot has changed since 1776, though to hear some people speak, that shouldn't have any bearing on how we interpret the constitution and the laws of this great land.

Today I just want to ask you, are you free? Do you live your life the way you want? Always and at all times?

Do you make decisions based on what you want? Or do external forces and what others want for you influence you choices? Because that to me is the essence of freedom.

There is no right or wrong. I just think today is a good day to think about these things and see if any adjustments can be made to our lives to get closer to the ideal of freedom.

So many people give lip service to freedom. A dark cloud hangs over freedom these days, and until we start living free lives, that cloud will cover us all until it's too dark and too strong to ever recover from.

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