Monday, February 12, 2007

I play one on TV...

I'm not a cop, never wanted to be one, but playing one on TV is another story. I could do that all day long. Good cops, bad cops, it doesn't matter.

But I'd like to have a good catch phrase, you know, something people will remember. Like, "Book 'em, Dano", or, "Who loves you baby?" I'd like to see tee-shirts with my catch prase, and posters, and bill boards. A big bill board on the Sunset Strip of me telling the perp, "Wasn't such a good idea now was it shit-for-brains" as I cuff him. Or, "Rights? Don't make me laugh!"
Yeah, I like that.

As you can tell, I probably had a good time playing a cop on LA Forensics. Playing a cop is much better than actually being a cop, I'm sure. No one really shoots at you, the hours are better, and you always get the bad guy.

Everyone on the crew of LA Forensics was very nice, they work quick, and treated us actors well. What more can you ask for? I got to play, and that's what I'm here for.

I took a few photos while we were on set. That's me above with a badge and a gun, and then four of us in our TV cop show pose.

Hey, why do I like playing a cop so much? Is it the power a cop has? Am I becoming reactionary as I get older? Do I really wish I could carry a gun and dole out punishment to those who transgress the laws of our great nation? Man, now I'm confused. I wish I knew what was right?

"Rights? Don't make me laugh."

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