Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How could you not like that speech?

Hi Everyone,

It's been hard to write the last few weeks, so sorry for not keeping up to date with my musings. Hope you are well. I've been feeling pretty dark lately, but its all good now. Even two days in Vegas couldn't get me jazzed up enough to write. What a place, Vegas. Pretty funny. Maybe that will be a future post. The drive through the desert was nice.

I lost my job the other night. Funny story, I'll share it some day. It was getting in the way of my acting, so, I had to leave. Reminds me of what Kris' grandfather used to always say to me, "When your work gets in the way of your fun, you have to leave that job". He didn't really mean it, but he said it a lot. Anyway, I guess I took it to heart.

Anyway, did you see Barack Obama's speech today? You really have to invest the 37 minutes and check it out. He does more in 37 minutes to help heal the racial divide in America than I've seen anyone do in 37 years. And he did it by just telling it like it is. By saying what is on the minds of so many people. By expressing out loud the feelings and frustrations and desire for change so many people have; black, white, brown, Hindu, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Catholic, in short, most Americans today.

His story is remarkable, and very American. And if he is elected president I know things will turn around. People will feel empowered, and our elected officials will start to listen. Things will change.

And he even acknowledged those who don't want change, those who like things like they are. Fortunately there are only a few Americans like that, but they are a mighty few. I think they will come around though, I think they will see what is good for America will be good for them too.

He delivered a speech that was magnificent, and presidential. Boy, its been a long time since we've heard words like that. And so, in spite of what I'm going through these days, dealing with money problems, career problems, agent problems, and creative blocks, I am full of hope tonight at the thought of Barack Obama as the next president of The United States.

Here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU

Here's the video:

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